Friday, March 14, 2008


I got lost Thursday on my way to Challenger Middle School on the far east side of Lancaster.
I got lost because while I looked at the map provided, I didn’t read it. If I had, I wouldn’t have zig and zagged throughout some of the untamed part of the Antelope Valley on streets that dead ended on dirt roads. For you see, not all roads lead to the middle school, only Avenue J and K and Palmdale Boulevard continue all the way out to 170th Street east. By losing my way I gained a perspective on living in the desert.
And yet, the trip to the school was a reminder of all the checking and double checking we did before publishing the guidebook because we didn’t want people to get lost.
My husband and I spent a good couple of months exploring the Antelope Valley making sure that our directions were correct – because we covered the area ourselves to insure that all was as correct as we could make it.
So do read directions, not just glance at them as I did and you’ll go far in life.

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